Haven, Maine Wiki
Heavy 522
Season 4, 5
Ability Can give people Troubles
Occupation None
First Appearance Survivors
Last Appearance A Matter of Time
Relationships Sinister (associate)
William (boss)
Appeared In 5 episodes
Status Alive
Actor Robert Maillet

The man known as "Heavy" is an associate of the man known as "Sinister," and is in some way related to the Barn.

Season 4[]

Audrey Parker, believing herself to be Lexie DeWitt, first encountered the man inside the Barn, which she believed to be the "Oatley Tap Room," when he entered as backup for another man. The two demanded that a patron, William, leave with them, and William nearly did before Audrey assembled a gun and order the men to leave without William. They did.

Soon after, the two men exited the Barn and arrived at the town of Haven, where they mugged Carrie Benson, a newspaper delivery-girl, leaving a metaphysical handprint on her back that only Audrey was later able to see; they also mutated Benson's Trouble, which had only ever directly affected her, by causing it to affect other people as well.

Several days later, they staked out the Grey Gull while Nathan Wuornos and Audrey were inside. In "The Lighthouse," it was discovered that he was merely a construct of the black balls created by William and Mara to create Troubles, known as Aether.

When Nathan and William were trapped in the Void, William used Aether to conjure Heavy, using him to attack Nathan. However, when Nathan and William finally made peace, Heavy stood down.


Season 4[]

Season 5[]
