Haven, Maine Wiki
Grey Gull

The Grey Gull is a waterfront bar owned by Duke Crocker.


The restaurant was formerly owned by the McShaw family, and operated for a brief time as the Second Chance Bistro. In 2010, the restaurant was bought by Bill McShaw with his brother Geoff. The two planned a grand re-opening in July, but the evening turned disastrous when all of Jeff's cooking turned inexplicably rancid. Crocker purchased the bar from Bill for $20 in July of 2010.

In Fear & Loathing, a memorial service was held at the bar in honor of the recently-deceased Chief of Police Garland Wuornos. Crocker later offered the rooms above the bar for rent to Audrey Parker. Audrey currently lives in the room above the bar. In Friend or Faux Duke lets a kid hide out at his place for a bit.



The Grey Gull was a diner on Moose-Lookit Island in the novel.

