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Haven, Maine Wiki
The Widening Gyre
Haven 524
Season 5
Episode 24
Premiere date December 10, 2015
Written by Nick Parker
Directed by TW Peacocke
Previous episode Blind Spot
Next episode Now
Related Pages

"The Widening Gyre" is the 76th episode of Haven and the twenty fourth episode of season 5.


Nathan and Dwight race to rescue Audrey from Croatoan, but the consequences of Duke's dark destiny wreak havoc on their plans. Meanwhile, Vince contemplates an unusual sacrifice.


Audrey sleeps, dreaming of last confrontation with Duke and Croatoan showing up. She wakes up in a locked bedroom. Croatan comes in and greets her "Hello Dove", offers food, and says that he gave her the nickname. She calls him Croatoan. He says "Not Dad" and says they have a lot of catching up to do.

Dwight and Nathan discuss Duke and his killing Troubled people. Nathan has been hacing the Guard being in Troubled people both to protect them as well as for bait. Duke appears in the doorway with a knife and they go to confine him. A Guardsman is sliced. Duke's eyes go black and he lifts Nathan against the wall. Dunk briefly comes through and Dwight hits him with a chair. He collapses and Nathan drugs him with a cloth over his nose and mouth. Nathan has the Guard put chains on Duke. Dwight asks how to prevent him from phasing through them using Hailie's trouble. Nathan says that they were from an old Trouble from a prison guard that wanted to stop Hailie's grandfather from escaping.

Croatan talks about things Mara liked as a girl and that they have so many of those things back home "except for a few warts". He says he's taking Audrey back with him. Audrey tells him it's Mara's room and that he can't have her back because she's dead.

Vince discusses the new barn with Howard, who admits he can't control it again due to the damage he received in the police station.

Dwight and Nathan discuss Duke. Dwight doubts the Duke they knew is still there, but Nathan thinks different.

Audrey says Croatoan will never have his daughter back. Audrey says he kills his family. Croatoan says that Charlotte was contaminated and when asked that he had to kill James or Mara's work would have been for nothing. That he did it for her. Audrey says she wants some coffee, black. Croatoan leaves. Audrey breaks a piece of the headboard off.

Nathan speaks with Duke, who's eyes are normal. When he mentions it Duke's eyes go black again. Duke says he's found his "true self" and that sometimes Audrey "likes the bad boys". Nathan keeps trying to reach Duke under the Croatoan. Duke calls Nathan pathetic and days he can't break it with the power of love that this is what I am and he's lost. Duke talks about Croatoan possessing Dave.

Vince talks bout the problem of a malfunctioning AI for the barn. Howard says they can't rewrite and reboot him as he was once a man. Howard says that he lived in the same place as Mara, Charlotte, and Croatoan several centuries ago. That after Mara created the Troubles, he was the one that captured her and brought her to justice. That the barn required a dedicated it warden who believed in Mara's punishment. He found her in Haven and saw what she'd done, namely a young boy with a trouble that was intolerable, making his life unlivable, and Howard had to end his suffering. He sacrificed himself to protect his family and home from Mara. The incident and the police station caused him to forget his family, the boy, and the need for Mara's punishment and without the emotional connection he can no longer be the warden.

Dwight and Nathan discuss Croatoan's knowing all of Haven's secrets because of Dave. They decide the Dwight should go talk to Vince to see where he'd stash prisoner. Nathan wants to keep trying to get through to Duke. Dwight thinks it's working, but assigns someone to watch and help Nathan if needed.

Audrey and Croatoan talk about Mara's "work" with the Troubles and following her father's footsteps. Croatoan says thet she doesnt see the Troubles clearly and that the damage doesnt have to be that way. Audreys says, "No it doesn't" and stabs him in the collar/shoulder with the piece of headboard. Croatoan after a minor struggle pulls it out and throws it away, healing himself. Then he breaks Audrey's arm. He says "I need to teach you a lesson" then heals her arm with a small scar and kisses the scar "As good as new". He says he used the Troubles and acknowlwdges that Duke is harvesting the Troubles that he needs, that he has mastered them. He says that he used aether to save Mara's life when she was a girl.

Nathan and a Guardsman discuss his interrogation of Duke. They discussed using an old Trouble to interrogate him, then to bring Duke back.

Dwight and VInce discuss where Dave would stash a prisoner, an old deserted farm house on County Route 19. Vince says it was where they planned to hideout in Haven if needed. Dwight leaves. Vince, looking at a picture of him and Dave, calls him a "foolish old goat". Howard looking over his shoulder says that Dave was a good man. Vince says he gave his life for this town. Howard says he's sure Vince would have done the same thing. Vince asks if Howard could turn someone else, him, into the Barn's new controller/warden.

Croatoan says that his work back home was decades ahead of what Haven minds could dream up, but "success breeds envy" and the others grew "timid and afraid of progress". Audrey says he was reckless that Charlotte told her he was banished because he was experimenting with aether from the Void. He says she didn't tell her why. That when Mara was a little girl she was very sick, no cure or hops of survival. That he took a risk and introduced aether into her system to modify her antibodies. That everyone else was willing to let her go. That her mother gave birth to her but that all that she is, the miracle she became was thanks to him. That he created her, twice.

Nathan talks to Duke, telling him that he shouldn't let someone else control home, that that's not who he is. Duke says he's wrong that this was who he was always meant to be, then becomes the old Duke again. Nathan tells him to fight, and Duke's eyes go black.

Audrey says that the time in the void corrupted him. He disagrees that everything he did was to get her back. Audrey says names don't matter than she's still his creation, special. She asks how and why the aether made her special. She looks at him and realizes he needs her for something.

Howard and Vince talk about the sacrifice that would be required ro make a new controller. Howard isnt sure that biologically Vince would even be able to do so. Vince discusses his deidcation to helping Haven and how that could help him become the new controller, that he's seen and lost so much and wants to be a part of finally ending the Troubles. Howard says that even if the process doesn't allow him to become the controller that it'd kill him. Vince says so be it.

Audrey confronts Croatoan, that he can control them and Duke is collecting the ones he wants, but what does he need with her. He says that what he did to save Mara gave her a special bond with the aether, that she can do things that he can't with it and it's now Audrey's ability now. She wants to know why he wants new Troubles. He wants her to make new troubles so they can reclaim what they lost when he was banished, to show them what aether is capable of, "the power they were too cowardly to claim on their own". Croatan says he's going to rip open the tear in the void and flood Haven with aether. That it's their laboratory, to join him, that she doesn't belong there and can't save them or Haven. That his plan has already begun.

Nathan and Guardsman are discussing the list of Troubles in the other room when Nathan notices Duke looking at them through the one-way mirror. Duke confirms that he can hear them and breaks the anti-phasing shackles and phases through the wall, hitting Nathan's gun out of his hand. He says he'll take the Trouble Census now.

Croatoan says that everyone has played their part. That Nathan has tried to save Duke and Duke has showed him just enough of his old self to keep Nathan interested and it will cost him.

Duke asks if Nathan will defend the Census with his life. He says he busted through the shackles. Nathan realizes that Croatoan planned it and Duke faked it just so he could get his hands on the Census. Duke, eyes black, hits Nathan in the chest knocking him to the wall and looks at the Census saying it's like a "menu of Troubles. Now we can just pick and choose our favorites and then drink them up." That they'll be unstoppable. Duke says it's ironic all the times theyve had him kill for them and look what hes become. Nathan is loosing strength and has blood in his mouth. Duke says "You wanted a Crocker. Well here I am."

Audrey begs Croatoan not to kill Nathan, that he doesn't need to. That if he's as powerful as he says it doesn't matter, "Dad please."

Nathan, fading, "Remember this. It isn't you." Duke pauses and his eyes return to normal and he drops Nathan who passes out.

Audrey continues to beg. Croatan says it's alright that he's decided to let Nathan live. Audrey asks why. He says because it's what she wanted. She says it doesn't change anything, that she'll never help him no matter what he does. He says that's okay, that he never expected to get her with one conversation, that today was to find out what she really cared about. That he needed to find out just how much she cares about Nathan and the others, that she'd "do anything to protect him". He says that he wants to help them. That he's going to use all his powers he's gathered to give them what they want and make them happy. Audrey asks if that's what he did with Duke. He said that Duke had aleays been searching for his identity/purpose and kow he has it. That Audrey is free to go and opens the door. Audrey asks why. He says he wants her to be with her friends, to see the gifts he has to offer, and the happy lives they can live, what she'll be ripping away from them if she still refuses to join him.

Dwight pulls in front of the yellow farmhouse and goes inside with a crossbow. He comes into the bedroom Audrey had been in and finds a young girl. When she turns and sees him she says "Daddy?" and runs to him. Dwight hugs her calling her Lizzie.

Nathan comes into the Haven Herald calling for Vince. Seeing the controller crystal he says "Howard I need your help finding Vince". The crystal lights up and Vince appears. Nathan asks what he's done. Vince says what he had to and he knows exactly what they need to do to "send Croatoan screaming back to Hell".


Main Cast[]

Guest Starring[]



  • Croatoan: Hello Dove (Walks over to the table and opens the dome) You hungry? You know, I gave you that nickname. "Dove". Not because you were peaceful, hardly. No. I gave it to you because I saw that you could soar.
  • Croatoan: Are you thirsty?
    Audrey: Where is Duke? What have you done with him?
    Croatoan: (Gets up) I could get you some coffee. You like coffee. Even when you were a little girl. You were adorable. You loved coffee. You loved music. You loved dogs. So many of the same things.
    Audrey: Shut up. Shut up.
    Croatoan: Why? Don't you want to know? We have all those things back home.
    Audrey: What home?
    Croatoan: Ours, yours and mine. It has similarities to this world, but it is far more advanced now except for a few warts, it's wonderful. I'm going back there. I'm taking you with me. You'll be much happier there.
    Audrey: You don't know anything about me.
    Croatoan: That's not true Dove. This room, it's just like the room you grew up in. I love it.
    Audrey: You mean Mara's room. Is that what this is about? You want your daughter back? Well, you can't have her. Mara is dead.
    Croatoan: Mara is dead. I know. But you're still my daughter.
  • Vince: I just need to know that Dave's death counted for something. That he didn't die in vain. This new barn, when it cures the troubles, will it stop Croatoan?
    Howard: The aether core will act as a power source. It will pull out all of the aether, everything from the void including Croatoan and send it back.
    Vince: What's your role in all this?
    Howard: My function is similar to um... think of it like a ship and I am its captain. I tell all the pieces how to work together.
  • Audrey: I will never be your daughter.
    Croatoan: Family's not a choice.
    Audrey: How can you talk about family like it means anything to you? You kill your family. You murdered Charlotte, you wife. My mother.
    Croatoan: She wasn't destroyed by me contaminated by weak minds. When she turned against me, broke my heart. Then, once she started searching for a cure for the troubles that could've been disastrous for both of us. I couldn't let that happen. So, I had to make a choice, (Cut to flashback of Charlotte's murder) a very difficult choice.
    Audrey: No. You killed James, my son.
    Croatoan: I had to. That's how much I love you. If I hadn't killed him, Lucy would have and then all of Mara's work, your work, would've been undone. Worse than that, the barn would've sent you home and I would've lost you forever.
    Audrey: Do you think that's an excuse?
    Croatoan: Excuses are for people who regret what they've done. I don't, because everything I did, I did for you. You're evrything to me. I need you to understand that.
  • Nathan: So, who am I talking to right now?
    Duke: Do I not look like Duke Crocker?
    Nathan: The one I grew up with?
    Duke: Now why would you say that?
    Nathan: Your eyes. They've gone back to normal. So whatever Croatoan did to you, it's wearing off. (Duke's eyes turn black)
    Duke: (Leaning towards Nathan) Boo. (Leans back) Nothing is wearing off. This is what I am. I am the person who took Audrey Parker.
    Nathan: No. You are they guy who didn't just kill me when he had the chance. Because you remembered who you really are. (Duke's eyes go back to normal) You remember Audrey too?
  • Audrey: You can control the troubles that you take from people? (Croatoan nods) You can use them?
    Croatoan: Yes.
    Audrey: And now Duke is out there harvesting more for you isn't he?
    Croatoan: Just the ones I need for my protection. I survived in the void filled with aether for centuries.
    Audrey: You learned to master the troubles.
    Croatoan: I wish you'd stop calling them the troubles. They're gifts and in the right hands, my hands, they can accomplish anything. Today wasn't the first time you've been my patient. When you were a little girl I used aether to save your life.
    Audrey: What? How?
    Croatoan: I think it's time you heard my side of the story. (Takes Audrey and they both get up) The one your mother never wanted you to hear.
  • Vince: (Looking at him and Dave in the photo) You foolish old goat.
    Howard: (walks over to Vince) Your brother was... a good man.
    Vince: He gave his life for this town.
    Howard: And I'm sure you would've done the same thing.
  • Nathan: We'll stay here as long as it takes because I know you're still in there Duke. Croatoan's inside your head, controlling you but you can force him out.
    Duke: You are wrong.
    Nathan: Since when do you let someone tell you what to do? Don't let him control you. This isn't you. (Duke's eyes turn black again and he spits Nathan)
    Duke: Wrong again. (Leans forward) For the first time in my life, I know exactly who I am. This is what I was always meant to be. (His eyes go back to normal and suddenly feels something inside him) Please, Nathan help me.
    Nathan: (Helps Duke) You're fighting him. What can I do? How can I help?
    Duke: I don't know.
    Nathan: You can do this. You can beat him Duke. I know you can. Come on.
  • Howard: All the facility and knowledge, neccessary to operate a new construct that contained within the controller crystal.
    Vince: But creating a new controller. Someone to steer the ship as you put it that requires, another sacrifice.
    Howard: Yes. I understand your commitment but, biologically, I don't even know if you'll be fit to serve as the controller.
    Vince: You volunteered to serve as Mara's warden because you knew it was the only way to protect the ones you love. Now that was your purpose.
    Howard: My dedication was paramount but I can make no guarantees it will work the same for you.
    Vince: But I have to try. I've dedicated my life to Haven. Leading the Guard for all those years, using the Herald to cover up the troubles, all of it because I love this town. The people here, I've seen what they've been through. Witnessed so much suffering. Lost my... I've lost so much because of the troubles and now, I can play a part in ending them. Forever.
    Howard: The transformation process to the controller will kill you. Even if it doesn't succeed.
    Vince: So be it. This is my purpose.
  • Nathan: Vince. Vince. (To the controller) Howard, I need you're help with finding Vince. (Continues searching) Vince. (Nathan turns around the moment he hears a rumbling sound the moment the controller lights up and suddenly, Vince magically appears)
    Vince: Yes.
    Nathan: Oh, my god. What have you done?
    Vince: What I had to, and I know exactly what we have to do to send Croatoan screaming back to hell.


  • This episode along with the beginning of "Now" both take place on the same day.
  • Some of Howard's backstory is from the comic Haven: In The Beginning
  • This is the first time Lizzie appeared on screen. She has only previously appeared in a photo in "Who, What, Where, Wendigo" and in the web series Escape to Haven.
  • The title of the episode comes from the first line of the poem The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats.
  • Dwight using a chair to knock out Duke is nod to Adam Copeland being a wrestler.


  1. Credited as a special guest star.