Haven, Maine Wiki

Walter Faraday is a mysterious man who lived in North Carolina.

Walter Faraday
Walter Faraday
Season Season 5
Ability Omniscient; can also cause people to have visions
Appearance 2 Episodes
Status Deceased (Lingering in spirit form)
Actor John Ralston


Walter presumably lived in Haven for some time, and was likely a member of the Guard. Eventually, however, he moved to North Carolina, where he became known as a "healer" of sorts; he was known to live on a hill overlooking a small town.

Duke Crocker eventually came to North Carolina searching for Walter, and was dismayed to find that Walter had died recently, and had a Guard symbol on his gravestone. Duke slept, and in his dream Walter confronted him, revealing that he very much lingers in spirit form still. He informed Duke about many things: Haven's future, the truth about the Roanoke colony, Croatoan, and the origin of the Crocker Curse. When Duke still doubted him, Walter caused Duke to have a vision where Croatoan had destroyed Haven. Afterward, when Duke woke, Walter had fully convinced him to return to Haven and face his fate, whatever it may be.

